Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki44 Vivian Street, New Plymouth

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki

Vaccinations For Cats


Taranaki Cats Should Be Vaccinated For:


Core Vaccination

Vaccination is an integral part of a preventative health care programme. Every cat should be vaccinated against 3 core diseases – feline panleucopaenia (or infectious enteritis), feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus (both causes of “cat flu”). 

Feline Panleucopaenia (FPLV) - This virus is widespread and can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, severe dehydration, fever, lethargy and in some cases death. It is similar to Parvo in dogs.

Feline Herpes Virus (FHV) - This is a highly contagious virus that causes respiratory disease (sneezing, coughing), conjunctivitis, eye ulceration and fever. It can be very dangerous to young, old or immune compromised cats. Many cats that get this virus become lifelong carriers and will have flare ups of the disease whenever they are stressed or unwell.

Feline Calicivirus - This virus has very similar symptoms to the feline herpes virus but can also causes lameness. It is also highly contagious, can be very serious in young, old or immune compromised cats, and is often carried for life after initial infection.

The core vaccination we use protects against all three of the viruses above.


  • Kittens should have two doses 4 weeks apart, usually given at 8 weeks old and 12 weeks old.
  • Most New Zealand cats will then receive annual boosters. 


Recommended Vaccination 

FIV (Feline Aids) Vaccination

FIV (or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) is a common virus in New Zealand. It is similar to HIV (Aids) in humans however the cat form cannot be passed to people. FIV causes severe compromise of the immune system - infected cats tend to get lesions in the mouth, a variety of infections that are difficult to get rid of, and a range of cancers. FIV is normally spread by bites during cat fights, so any cat that goes outdoors is at risk.

A vaccination is available that provides very strong protection against overseas strains of FIV and should provide good protection against the other strains we tend to get in New Zealand.


  • Kittens need an initial course of three doses, one dose every 2 weeks. They then need annual boosters.
  • Adult cats that have not been vaccinated for FIV before need to be tested first to see if they have already picked up FIV. If the test is negative then an initial course of three doses is given as with kittens. They then need annual boosters.
  • It is very important that each initial dose and each annual booster is done on time. If one is overdue, the three dose course will need to be restarted.


Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki44 Vivian Street, New Plymouth

Vets4Pets - Vets New Plymouth, Taranaki06 757 4838

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